Join us for another #ImpactSalesforceSaturday, a series of online Salesforce Saturday sessions.
We invite all – Developers – Administrators – Group Leaders – Consultants with advanced, intermediate or beginner level knowledge on Salesforce(Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Pardot, Marketing Cloud, IOT, CPQ, Einstein, etc).
DataImporter.IO tool in Salesforce
Date and Time
Saturday, January 29 , 2022 , 11:00 AM to 12:00 AM IST
- Promote our session on Twitter & LinkedIn with #newdelhisfdcdug, #impactSalesforceSaturday, #talentCentral, @newdelhisfdcdug, @sushant21791,@atul31gupta .
Speaker : Rohit Kumar

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RohitGu83309245
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rohit-kumar-%F0%9F%87%AE%F0%9F%87%B3-81916b190/
Website:- https://salesforcehunt.online
Blog:- https://salesforcehunt.blogspot.com
trailhead URL: https://trailblazer.me/id/rkumarsingh
The motto you live by
To share the salesforce knowledge to everyone.
- DataImporter.IO tool in Salesforce
- Q/A
- Kahoot Quiz
Session Recording
Session Slide
Session Slides will be available after the end of session
If you have something to share, feel free to reach out: newdelhisfdcdug@gmail.com
Share and showcase your knowledge to the entire world. Signup as a speaker here: http://newdelhisfdcdug.com/call-for-speakers/

New Delhi Salesforce Developer Group.
Join us to learn, have fun and share Salesforce knowledge!