Join us for another #ImpactSalesforceSaturday, a series of online Salesforce Saturday sessions.
We invite all – Developers – Administrators – Group Leaders – Consultants with advanced, intermediate or beginner level knowledge on Salesforce(Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Pardot, Marketing Cloud, IOT, CPQ, Einstein, etc).
Deployment using Gearset in Salesforce
Date and Time
Saturday, January 22 , 2022 , 11:00 AM to 12:00 AM IST
- Promote our session on Twitter & LinkedIn with #newdelhisfdcdug, #impactSalesforceSaturday, #talentCentral, @newdelhisfdcdug, @sushant21791,@atul31gupta .
Speaker : Rohit Kumar

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RohitGu83309245
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rohit-kumar-%F0%9F%87%AE%F0%9F%87%B3-81916b190/
Website:- https://salesforcehunt.online
Blog:- https://salesforcehunt.blogspot.com
trailhead URL: https://trailblazer.me/id/rkumarsingh
The motto you live by
To share the salesforce knowledge to everyone.
- Deployment using Gearset in Salesforce
- Q/A
- Kahoot Quiz
Session Recording
Session Slide
Session Slides will be available after the end of session
If you have something to share, feel free to reach out: newdelhisfdcdug@gmail.com
Share and showcase your knowledge to the entire world. Signup as a speaker here: http://newdelhisfdcdug.com/call-for-speakers/

New Delhi Salesforce Developer Group.
Join us to learn, have fun and share Salesforce knowledge!