Demystifying the Salesforce Metadata API

Various flavors of APIs are the powerhouses of the Salesforce Platform, providing for all your data and metadata needs. From REST to SOAP, and from Enterprise to Metadata, Salesforce APIs support a wide range of solutions. In order to wire up your application to Salesforce in the right way, you’ll need to understand these APIs and determine which ones can help you solve your needs. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to the Salesforce Metadata API and delve into its importance and use cases.
Develop Functions Faster with Containerless Local Development

When we released Functions, one of the pre-requisites was to rely on Docker to start them in a container. Now, Docker is an optional dependency for developing functions — they may now be built and run on the host operating system during development. You can still run them in containers if you want, however. When deploying functions, our remote build system and our runtime all use containers.
Building a Slack App That Integrates with Salesforce: Part 4 – Local Development and Debugging

Building a Slack app that integrates with Salesforce involves some challenges, such as knowing the right integration capability to use on each case, picking the right authorization flow, and implementing it securely. This is the fourth blog post of a series in which we cover the whole process of creating a Slack app that integrates with Salesforce from scratch. Learn along with us while we build Ready to Fly, our new sample app for submitting and approving travel requests in Salesforce without leaving Slack.

I am 12x Salesforce certified | Leader of New Delhi Salesforce Developer Group | Speaker | Blogger|