Date and Time
Saturday, May 12, 2018
12:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Nagarro Office, Gurgaon
A warm welcome to all the members and Guests in the meetup.
Introduction and TrailheaDX 2018 Highlights
TrailheaDX Opening Keynote: Calling All Trailblazers
Session by Jessica Murphy (Salesforce MVP)
Technical Session by Seema Rani
Topic: Release updates of ‘Spring 18’
Recording coming soon!!
Technical Session by Rahul Malhotra
Topic: Build Admin friendly custom user interfaces using Salesforce UI API
User Interface API is the API that salesforce itself used to build lightning experience and the Salesforce apps for Android and iOS. Using UI API, you can build custom user interfaces for web apps that can be managed easily by salesforce admin. It automatically introduces a lot of functionality that makes the UI highly customizable just like the actual Salesforce UI.
Games & Swags
It’s Fun Time with Exciting Games and Swags for Winners and also most important Networking.
• What to bring
A friend of yours who has never attended New Delhi Salesforce DG Meetup
Stand a chance to win a Health Band by Mi. Just tell us why you love #TrailheaDX on Twitter and 2 best entries will win Health Band by Mi.
Winners: Coming Soon!!
Make sure you use these hashtags and mentions
#TDX18GG @newdelhisfdcdug @nagarro @SF_GURGAON_WIT
Coming Soon!!

New Delhi Salesforce Developer Group.
Join us to learn, have fun and share Salesforce knowledge!